Get started now - no experience required! is designed for total beginners ... and for people who use programs like Dreamweaver, FrontPage, and other wysiwyg programs (wysiwyg stands for: "What You See Is What
You Get") ... and now want to learn what's going on 'behind the scenes'.
To really understand web design, you need to learn HTML hand-coding; it's easier than you think!
Why learning HTML and CSS makes sense.
Tools like Dreamweaver are great, especially if you are building old-style web sites based on tables,
sliced images, et cetera. But if you want to be able to build what I call 4th generation websites, then
these tools will get in the way of you learning and will actually slow you down!
Learning to build your web sites using HTML will give you far better control over the process and ultimately your web sites. You will have a far deeper understanding of the web, and as a result you will create better
web sites quicker - much quicker.
The lessons:
Basic web concepts
Building a web page
Building a web site
Introduction to CSS
CSS tutorial
Advanced HTML
JavaScript Programming
Misc. topics